Can LEDs Improve Car Dealership Profits?

Hear from our experts on Everything LED Lighting

It’s well known that to keep profits high, you have to keep maintenance and business costs low. In the world of car sales, this can be difficult. Your car lots are lit 24 hour a day, 7 days a week to showcase your product. Believe it or not, LED lighting in your dealership lots could help you keep costs low and profits high!

Your Car Dealership Will Save on Energy

Companies that invest in LED lighting save upwards of 75% every month on their energy bills. For a business such as a car dealership, whose lights are on 24/7/365, changing out your outdoor and indoor dealership lights could save your serious money! And while LEDs are more expensive than metal halide or high pressure sodium (HPS) lights upfront, you’ll see great return on investment with all of that monthly energy savings!

Your Car Dealership Will See a Great ROI on LEDs

LED lighting can also save you money through reduced maintenance costs. Metal halide and HPS lights require a lot of maintenance and replacement, as they are not equipped for longevity. On the other hand, LEDs are built to last. They not only last 2-3 times longer than HPS or metal halide bulbs, they also withstand cold weather better. LEDs actually can perform better in cold weather, as heat is their number enemy. They are also built more durably and less likely to crack or break! This way you reduce costs by not having to pay someone to replace light bulbs and you get more for your money with LEDs long lifespan!

Your Car Dealership Will Stand Out From the Crowd

Lastly, LEDs are, simply put, the best bulb out there. The nuisances that come with traditional lighting are a part of the equation with LEDs. There is no flickering, humming, or yellowing of the bulb over time with LEDs. Traditional lights suffer from lumen depreciation, which is what causes once bright white lights to become dull and yellow. LEDs retain the majority of their lumens over their lifespan, and when they do depreciate, they do so at a much slower pace than traditional lighting. Plus, the brighter your lights, the more attention your dealership is likely to get. It will literally stick out from the crowd!

Find Car Dealership Lights with Sitler’s!

You can learn more about our LED lighting for car dealerships here, or you can give us a call at (319)-519-0039 to schedule a free walk through and proposal today!