Anecdotal evidence in the United Kingdom shows employees praising LED lighting in the workplace. While hard evidence is to follow, early employee surveys of workers in LED spaces show a positive psychological effect.
Lighting Survey Results
With 1000 UK residents surveyed, a whopping 77 percent of survey takers in the UK stated that they believed lighting affected their productivity in the workplace. 33 percent said access to natural lighting is important and 32 percent stated they would be happy working under artificial light, such as LEDs, made to mimic daylight and increase productivity.
Lighting’s Impact on Employee Well-Being
While there is little hard evidence as of yet to determine if lighting plays a biological role in our bodies, a majority of anecdotal evidence and personal reviews show us that it at least has a psychological effect on employees who work under them. They claim to be more alert, focused, and content at work.
The science and testing of human-centric lighting is still evolving with the basic tenants still intact. It is suggested that exposure to blue light close to bedtime can disrupt circadian rhythms and hurt healthy sleep cycles. The other is that varying lighting’s colors and intensity throughout the day can help keep people more alert and focused, whether they are at work or students in schools. Human-centric lighting has had most of its current success in the healthcare field, in hospitals and assisted living homes. We are now starting to see the applications and benefits in workplace environments as well.
Find the right office lighting with Sitler’s!
If you are looking to increase productivity and the overall mood of your staff, look to LED lighting! At Sitler’s, we offer free walk-throughs and estimates for your space and help you every step of the way from purchase to installation to rebate applications. Call us today at (319)-519-0039 or send us an email to get started.
Posted in Human Centric Lighting