Behind the scenes sitlers led rebate process

We pride ourselves in helping businesses save money and decrease energy usage

Behind the Scenes: Sitler’s LED Rebate Process

Added by Marissa. Posted on July 30, 2017


Sitler’s offers quality LED lighting at competitive costs, but that is not all we do! We offer a wide range of services to make learning about, installing and maintaining LED lighting easy for you, the consumer. One of our best offered and most used services is our LED rebate processing. At Sitler’s, we’ll not only help you buy and install your LED lights, we will make sure you get the best rebate possible!


Rebates, in general, are when companies offer you money back for purchasing their item, as a way to reward your purchasing decision. In the case of LED lighting, it is not Sitler’s that offers rebates, but the utility companies. Utility companies such as MidAmerican Energy and Alliant offer rebates to incentivise consumers to purchase and install green lighting, which in this case is LED lighting. These rebates not only encourage individuals and business to install green lighting, it also helps offset the higher price of LEDs in comparison to traditional bulbs.


Sitler’s offers their clients rebate processing as a way to insure they will get the most money back on their LED project. Thanks to our years of experience processing these rebate requests, we have a streamlined system in place.
Your Sitler’s lighting consultant will gather a few pieces of information once a LED proposal has been accepted: a copy of your last utility bill and your account information.
After gathering these pieces of information, our two rebate specialists search for the LED products’ DLC listings, after which they fill out the forms specific to your business and your area’s utility provider, then finally sending the forms into the utility company for review.

When you work with Sitler’s to complete your rebate, your paperwork will be filled out and processed on our end in 1 business week. After it is in the hands of the utility company, it can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks to have the rebate processed and the check in your hands!


While the rebate process may not seem complicated, it can be difficult for a client to fill out the rebate and get a response from the utility company on their own. By utilizing Sitler’s LED rebate processing, you know your rebate will be filled out correctly and sent in in a timely manner. We have employees whose sole jobs are to process rebates day in and day out for you, the client.

Thanks to our rebate processing, Sitler’s has forged great connections with utility companies across the state. They know us and we know them. We are always in the know about rebate changes and updates and are able to pass that information onto our clients as soon as possible. Lastly, it saves you the hassle of filling out and sending in paperwork! Sitler’s will take care of all the paper pushing while you sit back and wait for your rebate check to come in the mail. It’s as easy as that!


To learn more about rebates in your area, give us a call at (319)-519-0039 or send us an email! You can also stop into one of our in three locations in Washington, Cedar Rapids or West Des Moines, IA.

Sitler’s LED Supplies Blog has been named one of the Top 75 LED Lighting Blogs by Feedspot.
Posted in LED Lighting Basics, Sitler’s News and Updates
Tagged Alliant, LED lighting, LED lights, LED rebates, LEDs, lighting rebates, MidAmerican, Sitler’s LED Lighting