Build a Better Patio with LEDs

Hear from our experts on Everything LED Lighting

The first official day of summer is next week, which means summer activities will be kicking into high gear! While the sunshine may last longer, there is nothing as relaxing as enjoying a drink or two under the stars on a patio. Yet, with warm summer weather comes small annoying insects. It seems that no matter how much bug spray you use, mosquitos and nats find their way to you. You can build a better patio, and summer, experience with outdoor LED lighting!

Fatal Attraction: Why Bugs Love Your Outdoor Light Bulbs

We know that bugs are attracted to light, buy why are they attracted to light? An insect’s response to light with motion is known as phototaxis. A bug or insect that moves toward light is a positive phototactic organism, while organisms that move away from light are negative phototactic. It is currently a popular theory that the source of artificial light, such as patio wall lights or string lights disrupt their internal navigational system. Before the invention of artificial light sources, it was thought that insects used natural light sources to navigate, always keeping themselves aligned to a certain angle that was relative to the light source, such as the moon.

Another popular theory is insects interpret that light source as a signal that their path is clear, causing them to fly and move toward the light in an attempt to avoid perceived objects that exist outside of the light’s beam. This explains why insects often fly into the light multiple times.

Finally, the last popular theory is that bugs are attracted to lighting that emits UV rays. Flowers are known to reflect UV light, which is how bugs spot them. In a sense, the bugs and insects are mistaking light bulbs for extremely bright and appealing flowers.

Now you may be wondering, how will LEDs solve the bug problem? Aren’t they just as bright, if not brighter, than traditional patio light bulbs? Let’s dig a little deeper!

How LEDs Help Build a Better Patio

According to an article on, insects, like most creatures, have varied tastes and not all insects enjoy or are attracted to the same light source. It does appear that LEDs lack of UV ray emissions help curb insect infestations on your patio during the summer! This can be a helpful trick whether you are a homeowner or business owner who offers patio seating during the summer! It makes for a quick fix by changing out traditional outdoor bulbs for LEDs, and you don’t have to worry about finding and lighting insect repellent tiki torches anymore!

Build a Better Patio with Sitler’s!

Get started on your patio update today with Sitler’s! Give us a call at (319)-519-0039 or send us an email to learn more!

Stop into any of our Sitler’s LED Supplies locations in Washington, Cedar Rapids or West Des Moines, IA as well to meet with our staff!

Posted in LED Outdoor Lighting