In the past, we have touched on the subject of LED lighting in the healthcare field. It has proven beneficial in the form of human-centric lighting to help patients recover quicker, made lives better for patients suffering from Alzeihmers, and more. Now, LEDs may be able to tackle one of the newest global health epidemics, according to the World Health Organization (WHO): myopia.
What is Myopia?
Myopia is the term for nearsightedness and is considered the most common refractive error in children and young adults. This condition is caused by the eye growing too long from front to back, making light focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it. This type of vision error is often diagnosed young and progresses as you age.
According to WHO, myopia has increased three-fold in just the past 30 years. While there is still up for debate what caused the increase, many believe it is children’s lack of exposure to sufficient natural light. While cases of myopia can be genetic, scientists now believe the reduced exposure to certain wavelengths in sunlight that are beneficial to the retina may be the main cause of the increase in this epidemic.
How Can LEDs Help?
LEDs are the only light on the market that is able to mimic natural daylight and daylight’s changes throughout the course of the day. We have already begun to see this technology with human-centric lighting, which was created to help stabilize, not disrupt, our bodies natural circadian rhythms. Children and young adults spend the majority of their time indoors, looking at screens. Being devoid of natural light, or artificial light that can mimic daylight through solid-state lighting and tunable spectral power distribution increases the chances of developing myopia.
However, this technology is still new and not widely tested. As more of our lives are spent indoors, under artificial light and spent looking at screens comprised of artificial light, the more necessary LEDs become. They can help balance circadian rhythms, reduce eye strain and myopia, as well as many other health benefits we covered in past posts.
Take the First Step with Sitler’s!
We may not yet have the technology to reduce incidences of myopia, but we can help you take the first step on your LED journey. Transform your home, office, warehouse, storefront, and so much more with dimmable LEDs to take control of the lighting in your lives! You can email us for a free walk through and proposal or give us a call at (319)-519-0039.
Posted in LED Hospital Lighting