Animal Specific Lighting Technology
Recent research has found that lighting has as significant effect on Swine and Poultry performance. Swine and poultry are highly influenced by the amount and type of light they are exposed to.
Once focuses on the science of light by creating lighting products specifically and exclusively for the Agricultural market. ONCE lighting systems are species-specific and establish lighting as a proven input to increase production. For more information view our Sitler's LED Supplies catalog.
Increase Productivity
Proven to enhance productivity.
Animal Welfare
Created specifically for your animals with their needs in mind.
Integrated Photocell
Available with an integrated photocell.
Energy Savings
Save you money on your energy bills.
Easily retrofitted into existing fixtures.
Enhanced productivity & Animal Welfare
Dimming Enhances Flock Performance
Because animals are sensitive to different intensities and colors of light, performance and health can be improved imply by controlling the lighting. Close attention to lighting schedules and elimination of lighting anomalies have been shown to increase production outputs while reducing stress and negative affects on animals.
ONCE LED dimmers provide smooth, programmable dimming to enable the full potential of any ONCE light. The expansion bus on all dimmers is a standard 0-10V interface for maximum expansion capability as well as compatibility with a wide range of existing barn controllers.